Cranberry Brie Puff Pastry Bites


Categorizing this appetizer as stupidly easy but fancy AF. Just TRY to make sure you don’t eat 7 or 9 before you leave the house and you’ll have a guaranteed hit with friends and family. Also a great way to use up leftover cranberry sauce if you’re still hosting family after the holiday!

These can easily be made ahead and just reheated day of, just make sure to bake 1-2 minutes less so the puff pastry doesn’t get too crispy. 

Cranberry Brie Puff Pastry Bites

Cranberry Brie Puff Pastry Bites

Yield: 5-7

Prep time: 7 MinCook time: 15 MinInactive time: 25 MinTotal time: 47 Min
A guaranteed hit with friends and family and a great way to use up leftover cranberry sauce!



  1. Remove puff pastry from the freezer and let thaw according to package instructions.
  2. Freeze the brie for 10 minutes. This will make it easier to have clean slices.
  3. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  4. Cut the puff pastry into 24 even squares.
  5. Grease 2 muffin tins and add 1 puff pastry square to each slot, pushing down in the middle. The 4 corners should peek out above the muffin tin a bit.
  6. Cube the brie into 1” cubes until you have about 24 pieces of brie.
  7. Add the brie to the puff pastry and top with a small spoonful of cranberry sauce (about 2 tsps per brie).
  8. Top with a few rosemary leaves and pecans and bake at 400 for 13-16 minutes until browned and brie is melted.
  9. Let cool 2-3 minutes before removing bites from the muffin tin and serve immediately!

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